6 Jun 2012

Magazine cover & Double page spread


A brainstorm of ideas for my magazine ( coverlines, themes, mast heads ect)
Magazine covers (most containing hand-drawn graphics)
Subject specific-fashion (containing hand drawn image style and variety of typography)

I was going to do my double page spread on fashion, however after exploring alternative ideas I decided not to use this.
Exploring typography, colour schemes and layout

Drafts- Front cover

These are just some ideas for prospective covers, which include: mastheads, coverlines, expander lines, date-stamps, barcodes and the one on the left has a splash at the top. Ideas to consider when thinking of cover/ expander lines is use of things like use of alliteration, puns and rhetorical questions to entice the reader in.

Drafts- Double page spread

In this draft I included white space and pull quotes. The use of white space is just as important as the images as it changed the whole appearance of the article. Pull quotes draw the reader in and also give insight into the article's contents. 

Background ideas
These could be used in the background of my pages, maybe with the opacity lowered and the colouration altered if necessary.

Hand Drawn elements + iconography

Using pencil, ink and fineliner
Using water colours, wax crayons, ink and fineliners

Using a variation, eg crayon, newpaper cuttings, fineliner, acrylic paint and biro pen

My subject- Ed Sheeran

Hand drawn images
Pencil and water colour

I tried to re-create the image in Illustrator :

Editing images in Photoshop (Double page spread)

De-saturated and contrast altered

Original water-colour image
After copying, rotating and re-sizing multiple times. The blending mode was set to multiply
I applied the watercolour as a layer mask on top of the original Ed Sheeran image


Progress shots

Front cover experimenting

Here his head is underneath the masthead

Here his head is over the masthead

Front cover in progress

Double page spread in progress

Here you can see the grids I used to help structure my pages. They gave balance and continuity to the magazine. It is particularly useful when laying out the article as in looks more professional on the page. 

Here you can see the decals I added: page numbers and magazine title + date in the bottom hand corner
Finished front cover

Finished double page spread

I changed a few things from the work in progress shots. For example I added on a guitar head and applied the same watercolour effect. I then made the article text wrap around the head, so it looks like the 1st page flows over into the 2nd, linking them more. I also changed the article layout so that the text was all alined and wasn't pushed over to one side.